As at 30 June 2019
Sr. No. | Title |
1 | L-1 Rev Acc as on 30.06.2019 |
2 | L-2 P&L as on 30.06.2019 |
3 | L-3 Balance Sheet as on 30.06.2019 |
4 | L-4 PREM, L-5 COMM as on 30.06.2019 |
5 | L-6 OP EXP., L-7 BEN PAID as on 30.06.2019 |
6 | L-8 SHARE CAP, L-9 PATT SH, L-10 RES & SUR as on 30.06.2019 |
7 | L-11 BORR, L-12 IN SH, L-13 IN POL, L-14 ASSETS HELD TO COVER LINK LIAB as on 30.06.2019 |
8 | L-15 LOANS as on 30.06.2019 |
9 | L-16 FIXED ASSETS as on 30.06.2019 |
10 | L-17 CASH, L-18 ADV AND OT ASSETS, L-19 CURR LIAB., L-20 PROV., L-21 MISC. EXP. as on 30.06.2019 |
11 | L-22 ANALYTICAL RATIOS as on 30.06.2019 |
12 | L-24 Valuation of Net Liabilities (Hindi) as on 30.06.2019 |
13 | L-24 Valuation of Net Liabilities as on 30.06.2019 |
14 | L-25 Geographical Distribution Channel-Group as on 30.06.2019 |
15 | L-25 Geographical Distribution Channel-Individuals as on 30.06.2019 |
16 | L-26 as on 30.06.2019 |
17 | L-27-ULIP as on 30.06.2019 |
18 | L-28-NAV as on 30.06.2019 |
19 | L-29-Debt Securities-Life as on 30.06.2019 |
20 | L-29-Debt Securities-Ulip as on 30.06.2019 |
21 | L-30 Related Party Transactions as on 30.06.2019 |
22 | L-31 Key Persons as on 30.06.2019 |
23 | L-32 Solvency Margin (Hindi) as on 30.06.2019 |
24 | L-32 Solvency Margin as on 30.06.2019 |
25 | L-33-NPA-Life as on 30.06.2019 |
26 | L-33-NPA-Pension as on 30.06.2019 |
27 | L-33-NPA-Ulipas on 30.06.2019 |
28 | L-34(Non Linked) as on 30.06.2019 |
29 | L-34-Investment-Pension as on 30.06.2019 |
30 | L-34-Investment-Ulip as on 30.06.2019 |
31 | L-35 Downgraded Ratings (Life) as on 30.06.2019 |
32 | L-35-Downgraded Ratings-Pension as on 30.06.2019 |
33 | L-35-Downgraded Ratings-Ulip as on 30.06.2019 |
34 | L-36-Premium and number of lives 30.06.2019 |
35 | L-37 Business Acquisition through Different Channels as on 30.06.2019 |
36 | L-38 Business Acquisition through different channels (Individuals) as on 30.06.2019 |
37 | L-39 Agening of claims statement as on 30.06.2019 |
38 | L-40 Statements of claims data 30.06.2019 |
39 | L-41 as on 30.06.2019 |
40 | L-41 Grievance Disposal-Qly-30.06.2019 |
41 | L41- Periodic disclosures as on 30.06.2019 |
42 | L-42 Valuation Basis (Individual) (Hindi) as on 30.06.2019 |
43 | L-42 Valuation Basis (Individual) as on 30.06.2019 |
44 | L-42 Valuation Basis (Group Business) as on 30.06.2019 |
45 | L -42 (Valuation Basis - Individual) - Annexure (Hindi) as on 30.06.2019 |
46 | L -42 (Valuation Basis - Individual) - Annexure as on 30.06.2019 |
Last modified date : Wed, 14 Jun 2023 06:24:50 +0000